Рассазывает u поёт Орлик Василий Дмитриевич. Воспоминания от Орман К. Д., Вулканешты, октябрь 1988; записала Дурбайло М. А. / отдел гагаузоведения (Povestește și cântă Orlic Vasilii Dmitrievici. Amintiri de la Orman C. D., or. Vulcănești, octombrie 1988; înregistrate de Durbailo, M. A. / Secția de Etnologie a găgăuzilor – Orlic Vasilii Dmitrievich tells and plays. Memories from Orman C. D., Vulcănești town, October 1988; recorded by Durbailo, M. A. / Gagauz Ethnology Section)

Benzi de magnetofon | Рассазывает u поёт Орлик Василий Дмитриевич. Воспоминания от Орман К. Д., Вулканешты, октябрь 1988; записала Дурбайло М. А. / отдел гагаузоведения (Povestește și cântă Orlic Vasilii Dmitrievici. Amintiri de la Orman C. D., or. Vulcănești, octombrie 1988; înregistrate de Durbailo, M. A. / Secția de Etnologie a găgăuzilor – Orlic Vasilii Dmitrievich tells and plays. Memories from Orman C. D., Vulcănești town, October 1988; recorded by Durbailo, M. A. / Gagauz Ethnology Section)

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Collection title:

           The Minorities Collection: EAP1045




           Рассазывает u поёт Орлик Василий Дмитриевич. Воспоминания от Орман К. Д., Вулканешты, октябрь 1988; записала Дурбайло М. А. / отдел гагаузоведения (Povestește și cântă Orlic Vasilii Dmitrievici. Amintiri de la Orman C. D., or. Vulcănești, octombrie 1988; înregistrate de Durbailo, M. A. / Secția de Etnologie a găgăuzilor – Orlic Vasilii Dmitrievich tells and plays. Memories from Orman C. D., Vulcănești town, October 1988; recorded by Durbailo, M. A. / Gagauz Ethnology Section)

Folkloric species:

           biographical stories (povestiri biografice), ballads (balade), dance songs (cântece de joc), instrumental melodies (melodii instrumentale), alienation songs (cântece de înstrăinare), war songs (cântece de război), stories (snoave)

Item Description:

           Male performers sing solo songs, narrate simple stories, story, talk with collector, play instrumental melody, recite lyrics in the Gagauz language. Creations 12, 14, 15 is in Romanian. The creations are ballads, simple stories/talks, instrumental melodies at pipe, folkloric songs, alienation song, war song, story, lyrics. List of pieces: 1. Ballad; 2. Simple stories; 3. Instrumental folkloric melody at pipe; 4. Folkloric song; 5. Folkloric song; 6. Folkloric song; 7. Talk with collector; 8. Folkloric song; 9. Folkloric song; 10. Folkloric song; 11. Ballad; 12. Haide-n codre sa trăim (folkloric destiny song); 13. Todorchi mari (ballad); 14. Sărmanu Ion (cântec de înstrăinare – alienation song); 15. La Fălciu, la râul Prut (cântec de război – war song); 16. Talk with collector; 17. Olum, Olum (ballad); 18. Nicola Olum, Nicola (lyrics); 19. Story; 20. Folkloric song.

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Male performers narrate simple stories, talk with collector, sing solo songs without any instrumental accompaniment, play instrumental melodies at pipe.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Orlic, Vasilii Dmitrievici Contributor 1 role: Performer, male: creations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Contributor 2: Zamfir, Evghenia Gheorghevna Contributor 2 role: Singer, female: creations 7, 8, 9, 10
Contributor 3: Jelez, Constantin Andreevici Contributor 3 role: Singer, male: creations 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20
Contributor 4: Informant Contributor 4 role: Performer, male; creations 16, 18, 19

Date of original recording:



           32 min. 57 sec.


          Durbailo, Maria A.


           Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Cişmichioi (Vulcăneşti; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Cişmachioi village, Vulcăneşti district


           Creations 1-11; 13, 16-20: Gagauz Creations 12, 14, 15: Romanian

Music category/genre:

           Ballads, simple stories/talks, instrumental melodies at pipe, folkloric songs, alienation song, war song, story, lyrics

Music instrument:

           Creation 3: pipe

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_3_23_1.jpg; CEAP1045_3_23_2.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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