Сказка „Гигу” от Топал Петра Алек. /1937/, с. Беш-Алма, Комратский район, РМ, июнь 1989, записала Дурбайло М. А. / отдел гагаузоведения (Povestea „Ghigu”, inf. Topal, Petru Alexandru, n. a. 1937, s. Beș-Alma, raionul Comrat, Republica Moldova, iunie 1989, înregistrate de Durbailo, M. A. / Secția de Etnologie a găgăuzilor – The story „Ghigu", informant Topal, Petru Alexandru, born in 1937, Beş-Alma village, Comrat district, Republic of Moldova, June 1989, recorded by Durbailo, M.A. / Ethnology Department of the Gagauz) !!! Informația din titlu nu coincide cu interiorul benzii magnetice/ The title information does not coincide with the inside of the magnetic tape

Benzi de magnetofon | Сказка „Гигу” от Топал Петра Алек. /1937/, с. Беш-Алма, Комратский район, РМ, июнь 1989, записала Дурбайло М. А. / отдел гагаузоведения (Povestea „Ghigu”, inf. Topal, Petru Alexandru, n. a. 1937, s. Beș-Alma, raionul Comrat, Republica Moldova, iunie 1989, înregistrate de Durbailo, M. A. / Secția de Etnologie a găgăuzilor – The story „Ghigu”, informant Topal, Petru Alexandru, born in 1937, Beş-Alma village, Comrat district, Republic of Moldova, June 1989, recorded by Durbailo, M.A. / Ethnology Department of the Gagauz) !!! Informația din titlu nu coincide cu interiorul benzii magnetice/ The title information does not coincide with the inside of the magnetic tape

Fișierul audio:

           Ascultă fișierul audio

Accession No:


Collection title:

           The Minorities Collection: EAP1045




           Сказка „Гигу” от Топал Петра Алек. /1937/, с. Беш-Алма, Комратский район, РМ, июнь 1989, записала Дурбайло М. А. / отдел гагаузоведения (Povestea „Ghigu”, inf. Topal, Petru Alexandru, n. a. 1937, s. Beș-Alma, raionul Comrat, Republica Moldova, iunie 1989, înregistrate de Durbailo, M. A. / Secția de Etnologie a găgăuzilor – The story „Ghigu", informant Topal, Petru Alexandru, born in 1937, Beş-Alma village, Comrat district, Republic of Moldova, June 1989, recorded by Durbailo, M.A. / Ethnology Department of the Gagauz) !!! Informația din titlu nu coincide cu interiorul benzii magnetice/ The title information does not coincide with the inside of the magnetic tape

Folkloric species:

           lyric songs (cântece lirice)

Item Description:

           Female singer sings solo songs in the Gagauz language. The creations are lyric songs. List of pieces: 1. Cântec (song); 2. Cântec (song); 3. Cântec (song); 4. Cântec (song); 5. Cântec (song); 6. Cântec (song); 7. Cântec (song); 8. Cântec (song).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Female singer sings solo songs without any instrumental accompaniment.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Informant Contributor 1 role: Singer, female: creations 1-8

Date of original recording:



           33 min. 44 sec.


          Durbailo, M.A.


           Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Beşalma (Comrat; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Beşalma village, Comrat district,



Music category/genre:

           Lyric songs

Recording notes:

           Informația din titlu nu coincide cu interiorul benzii magnetice/ The title information does not coincide with the inside of the magnetic tape

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_3_06_1.jpg; CEAP1045_3_06_2.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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