Festivalul folcloric „La vatra horelor”, zona Comrat, raionul Cantemir (Folkloric festival „La vatra horelor”, Comrat area, Cantemir district)

Benzi de magnetofon | Festivalul folcloric „La vatra horelor”, zona Comrat, raionul Cantemir (Folkloric festival „La vatra horelor”, Comrat area, Cantemir district)

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           Ascultă fișierul audio

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Collection title:

           The Folkloric Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature: EAP1045




           Festivalul folcloric „La vatra horelor”, zona Comrat, raionul Cantemir (Folkloric festival „La vatra horelor”, Comrat area, Cantemir district)

Folkloric species:

           folk theatre (teatru popular), lyric songs (cântece lirice), dance songs (cântece de joc)

Item Description:

           Groups of musicians play instrumental dance melodies from wedding ritual in Gagauz. Folkloric ensembles composed of amateur artists: female and male performers present folkloric creations în traditional ritual „Nunta” where they sing songs solo, duo or in chorus, acapella mode or in instrumental accompaniment, play dramatic dialogues, narrate simple stories, play and dance instrumental folk melodies etc. in Gagauz. The creations are scenic presentation of folkloric creations in traditional Wedding ritual: theatral dialogues, lyric songs: shepherd, wedding, love song in accapela mode or in instrumental accompaniment, humorous simple story, instrumental melodies interpreted at violin and drum. List of creations: Prezentarea scenică a unui fragment din Nunta tradițională găgăuză din satul Congaz, raionul Comrat (scenic presentation of folkloric custom Nunta (wedding) from Congaz village, Comrat district): 1. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 2. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); 3. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 4. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 5. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); 6. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 7. Oglan, oglan (cântec ciobănesc – shepherd song, accompanied at violin); 8. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 9. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); 10. Cântec de dragoste (love song, accompanied at accordion, violin); 11. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 12. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 13. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 14. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); 15. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 16. Melodie instrumentală de joc interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance melody interpreted at violin and drum); 17. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); Prezentarea scenică a unui fragment din Nunta tradițională găgăuză (întoarcerea de la naș) din satul Beșalma, raionul Comrat (scenic presentation of folkloric custom Nunta (wedding) from Beșalma village, Comrat district): 18. Melodie instrumentală de nuntă interpretată la vioară și tobă (instrumental dance wedding melody interpreted at violin and drum); 19. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); 20. Humorous story; 21. Cântec liric interpretat acapella (acapella song); 22. Melodie instrumentală de nuntă interpretată la vioară și tobă cu strigături (instrumental dance wedding melody interpreted at violin and drum, with rhythmic shouts); 23. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); 24. Cântec liric interpretat acapella (acapella song); 25. Melodie instrumentală de nuntă interpretată la vioară și tobă, fragment (instrumental dance wedding melody interpreted at violin and drum, fragment); 26. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue); 27. Melodie instrumentală de nuntă interpretată la vioară și tobă cu strigături (instrumental dance wedding melody interpreted at violin and drum, with rhythmic shouts, unfinished).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Groups of musicians play instrumental dance melodies from wedding ritual in Gagauz. Folkloric ensembles composed of amateur artists: female and male performers present folkloric creations în traditional ritual „Nunta” where sing lyric songs solo, duo or in chorus, in acapella mode or in instrumental accompaniment, play dramatic dialogues, narrate simple stories, play and dance instrumental folk melodies etc.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Group of musicians from Congaz village, Comrat district Contributor 1 role: Players (violin and drum), male: creations 1-9, 10 (and accordion), 11-13, 15-16
Contributor 2: Informant Contributor 2 role: Singer, male: creation 7
Contributor 3: Folkloric and dance ensemble from Congaz village, Comrat district Contributor 3 role: Performers/Dancers, females anf males: creations 1-6, 8, 11-17
Contributor 4: Informant Contributor 4 role: Singer, male: creation 10
Contributor 5 role: Singer, female: creation 10
Contributor 6: Folkloric ensemble from Beșalma village, Comrat district Contributor 6 role: Performers, females and males: creations 18-19, 21-23, 25-27
Contributor 7: Group of musicians from Beșalma village, Comrat district Contributor 7 role: Players (violin and drum), male: creations 18, 22, 25, 27
Contributor 8: Informant Contributor 8 role: Singer, male: creation 20
Contributor 9: Informant Contributor 9 role: Singer, female: creation 24

Date of original recording:



           32 min. 10 sec.


          Băieșu, Nicolae


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova; nowadays The Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Beşalma (Comrat; R. Moldova), Congaz (Comrat; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Creations 1-17: Congaz village, Comrat district Creations 18-27: Beșalma village, Comrat district



Music category/genre:

           Scenic presentation of folkloric creations in traditional Wedding ritual: theatral dialogues, lyric songs: shepherd, wedding, love song in accapela mode or in instrumental accompaniment, humorous simple story, instrumental melodies interpreted at violin and drum

Music instrument:

           Creations 1, 3, 4, 6-8, 11-13, 15, 16: violin and drum Creation 10: violin, drum, accordion

Recording notes:

           Scenic presentation of folkloric creations continues from previous recording and continues on next recording.

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_1_336_1.jpg; CEAP1045_1_336_2.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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