Expediția folclorică din august 1980 din satele Tănătari, Sălcuța raionul Căușeni (Folkloric expedition of August 1980 from Tănătari, Sălcuța villages, Căușeni district)

Benzi de magnetofon | Expediția folclorică din august 1980 din satele Tănătari, Sălcuța raionul Căușeni (Folkloric expedition of August 1980 from Tănătari, Sălcuța villages, Căușeni district)

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Collection title:

           The Folkloric Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature: EAP1045




           Expediția folclorică din august 1980 din satele Tănătari, Sălcuța raionul Căușeni (Folkloric expedition of August 1980 from Tănătari, Sălcuța villages, Căușeni district)

Folkloric species:

           children's folklore (folclorul copiilor), jokes (glume), customs (obiceiuri etnografice), stories (snoave), nuptial orations farewells (conocării iertăciuni), disenchantments (descântece), New Year wishes (urături şi hăituri)

Item Description:

           Female and male performers narrate simple story about children's play from children's folklore, about life events, joke, story, recite nuptial and winter orations, disenchantments in Romanian. The creations are simple story about children's play from children's folklore, joke, simple story about life events, story, nuptial oration, disenchantments, winter oration. List of pieces: 1. Jocul „De-a boielile” (joc pentru copii – a children's play, children's folklore); 2. Moșule câți ani ai? (glumă – joke); 3. Povestire simplă din viață din anul 1929 peripeții într-un sat străin (simple story); 4. Țăranul la judecată (snoavă – story); 5. Urarea paharului (orație nupțială – nuptial oration, wish); 6. Descântec de ulcior la ochi (disenchantment); 7. Descântec de spăriet (disenchantment); 8. Urătură (New Year wish, unfinished).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Female and male performers narrate simple story about children's play from children's folklore, about life events, joke, story, recite nuptial and winter orations, disenchantments without any instrumental accompaniment.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Mocanu, Lidia Feodosievna Contributor 1 role: Performer, female (10 years old): creation 1
Contributor 2: Moisei, Lilia Gheorghevna Contributor 2 role: Performer, female (9 years old): creation 1
Contributor 3: Anesti, Toader a lui Gavril Contributor 3 role: Performer, male (78 years old, born in 1902): creations 2-8

Date of original recording:



           24 min. 37 sec.


          Cirimpei, Victor; Canțâr, A.


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova; nowadays The Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Tănătari (Căuşeni; R. Moldova), Sălcuţa (Căuşeni; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Creation 1: Tănătari village, Căușeni district Creations 2-8: Sălcuța village, Căușeni district



Music category/genre:

           Simple stories, children's play from children's folklore, joke, story, nuptial and winter orations, disenchantments

Recording notes:

           Recording cuts off before the end of the performance, will be continued.

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_1_191_1.jpg; CEAP1045_1_191_2.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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