Festivalul folcloric republican „La vatra horelor” (1980), ediția a II-a, zona Râbnița (Republican folkloric festival „La vatra horelor”, second edition, area Râbnița, 1980)

Benzi de magnetofon | Festivalul folcloric republican „La vatra horelor” (1980), ediția a II-a, zona Râbnița (Republican folkloric festival „La vatra horelor”, second edition, area Râbnița, 1980)

Fișierul audio:

           Ascultă fișierul audio

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Collection title:

           The Folkloric Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature: EAP1045




           Festivalul folcloric republican „La vatra horelor” (1980), ediția a II-a, zona Râbnița (Republican folkloric festival „La vatra horelor”, second edition, area Râbnița, 1980)

Folkloric species:

           sorrow songs (cântece de jale), folk theatre (teatru popular), destiny songs (cântece de soartă), stories (snoave), disenchantments (descântece)

Item Description:

           Folkloric ensemble composed of amateur artists: female and male performers present the traditional custom „Șezătoarea” where narrate simple story, story, play theatral scenes/dialogues, sing solo, duo or in chorus songs, recite disenchantments in Romanian. The creations included in the show are simple story, sorrow song, theatral scenes/dialogues, destiny songs, story, disenchantments, wish song. Continuation of the scenic presentation of folkloric custom „Șezătoarea” by folkloric ensemble from Cocieri village, Dubăsari district. List of pieces: 1. Povestire simplă (simple story); 2. La Nistru la mărgioară (cântec de jale – sorrow song); 3. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists); 4. Nistrule cu apă rece (cântec de soartă – destiny song); 5. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists); 6. Femeia lenoasă (snoavă – story); 7. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists); 8. Într-un nuc cu frunza rară/Varvară (cântec de soartă – destiny song); 9. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists); 10. Baba Fița, logofița (descântec – disenchantment); 11. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists); 12. Broască, broască (descântec parodie – parody disenchantment); 13. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists); 14. Cântec (song); 15. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists); 16. Mulți ani trăiască (cântec de urare – wish song); 17. Cuvânt de închidere la sfârșitul șezătorii (Closure word at the end of the custom). Scenic presentation of folkloric custom „Șezătoarea” by folkloric ensemble from Camenca: 18. Bătrânețe, hainele grele (cântec de jale – sorrow song); 19. Dialog teatral (theatral dialogue between artists, unfinished, will be continued on next recording).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Folkloric ensemble composed of amateur artists: female and male performers present the traditional custom „Șezătoarea” where narrate simple story, story, play theatral scenes/dialogues, sing solo, duo or in chorus songs, recite disenchantments without any instrumental accompaniment.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Male Contributor 1 role: Performer, male: creation 1
Contributor 2: Folkloric ensemble from Cocieri, Dubăsari Contributor 2 role: Performers, males and females: creations 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16
Contributor 3: Female Contributor 3 role: Performer, female: creation 6
Contributor 4: Female Contributor 4 role: Performer, female: creation 10
Contributor 5 role: Performer, female: creation 12
Contributor 6: Female Contributor 6 role: Performer, female: creation 14
Contributor 7: Female Contributor 7 role: Presenter, female: creation 17
Contributor 8: Duet Contributor 8 role: Performers, male and female: creation 18
Contributor 9: Folkloric ensemble from Camenca Contributor 9 role: Performers, males and females: creation 19

Date of original recording:



           23 min. 40 sec.


          Filip, Iulian


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova; nowadays The Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Cocieri (Dubăsari; R. Moldova), Camenca (Camenca; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):

           Dubăsari, Camenca

Recording location:

           Creation 1-17: Cocieri village, Dubăsari district Creation 18: Camenca district



Music category/genre:

           Stories, disenchantments, theatral scenes/dialogues, lyric songs

Recording notes:

           Scenic presentation of folkloric custom „Șezătoarea” from Cocieri was continued from previous recording. Scenic presentation of folkloric custom „Șezătoarea” from Camenca will be continued on next recording.

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_1_187_1.jpg; CEAP1045_1_187_2.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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