Expediția folclorică din 18-19 august 1975, din satele Medeleni, Cetireni, raionul Ungheni (Folkloric expedition of 18-19 August 1975, from Medeleni, Cetireni villages, Ungheni district)

Benzi de magnetofon | Expediția folclorică din 18-19 august 1975, din satele Medeleni, Cetireni, raionul Ungheni (Folkloric expedition of 18-19 August 1975, from Medeleni, Cetireni villages, Ungheni district)

Fișierul audio:

           Ascultă fișierul audio

Accession No:


Collection title:

           The Folkloric Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature: EAP1045




           Expediția folclorică din 18-19 august 1975, din satele Medeleni, Cetireni, raionul Ungheni (Folkloric expedition of 18-19 August 1975, from Medeleni, Cetireni villages, Ungheni district)

Folkloric species:

           artistic whistling (fluierat artistic), customs (obiceiuri etnografice), historical stories (povestiri istorice), city songs (cântece orăşeneşti), drinking songs (cântece de pahar), dance songs (cântece de joc), instrumental melodies (melodii instrumentale), New Year wishes (urături şi hăituri), destiny songs (cântece de soartă), meditative songs (cântece meditative), love songs (cântece de dragoste)

Item Description:

           Male and female performers whistle artistically, narrate simple stories, recite nuptial and winter calendar orations, sing solo songs in Romanian. The creations are artistic whistling, simple story about song, about history of village, about personal life, nuptial orations, city songs, drinking songs, folk melodies intoned with voice, New Year wishes, destiny song, meditative song, love songs. List of pieces: 1. Marș din anul 1917 (fluierat artistic – artistic whistling); 2. Informație despre cântec (simple story); 3. Conocărie (orație nupțială – nuptial oration); 4. Bradul (orație nupțială – nuptial oration); 5. Iertăciunea (orație nupțială – nuptial oration); 6. Când eram de 16 ani (cântec orășenesc – city song); 7. Istoria satului Cetireni (povestire simplă – simple story); 8. Povestire simplă despre viața personală (simple story about personal life); 9. Despre cum se dădea cletca de boier (simple story); 10. Despre Cotovschi (simple story about Cotovschi); 11. Tot am zis cî n-am să beau (cântec de pahar – drinking song, very low recording); 12. Melodie intonată cu vocea (folk melody intoned with voice); 13. Melodie intonată cu vocea (folk melody intoned with voice); 14. Urătură cu subiect istoric (New Year wish); 15. Urătură tradițională (New Year wish); 16. Câte zâle-s-ntr-un an (cântec de soartă – destiny song); 17. Trec zilele, trec și eu (cântec meditativ – meditative song); 18. Când eram de 16 anișori (cântec orășenesc de soartă – city destiny song); 19. Mărăcine, mărăcine, s-a uscat frunza pe tine (cântec de jale/blestem de dragoste – sorrow song/love curse); 20. Colo-n vale-n grădiniță (cântec de dragoste – love song); 21. Mai vino seara pe la noi, Ionele dragă (cântec de dragoste – love song).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Male and female performers artistic whistling, narrate simple stories, recite nuptial and winter calendar orations, sing solo songs without any instrumental accompaniment.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Gavriliuc, Nicolai Dmitrievici Contributor 1 role: Performer, male (63 years old): creations 1, 2
Contributor 2: Negriș, Vasile Ivanovici Contributor 2 role: Performer, male (42 years old): creations 3, 4, 5
Contributor 3: Ciuvagă, Chiril Constantinovici Contributor 3 role: Singer, male (58 years old): creation 6
Contributor 4: Echim, Constantin Mihailovici Contributor 4 role: Performer, male (85 years old): creations 7-13
Contributor 5 role: Performer, male (73 years old): creations 14, 15
Contributor 6: Mihăilă, Antonia Gheorghevna Contributor 6 role: Singer, female (70 years old): creations 16-21

Date of original recording:

           1975.08.18: creations 1-6 1975.08.19: creations 7-21


           58 min. 39 sec.


          Junghietu, Efim


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova; nowadays The Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Medeleni (Ungheni; R. Moldova), Cetâreni (Ungheni; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Creations 1-6: Medeleni village, Ungheni district Creations 7-21: Cetireni village, Ungheni district



Music category/genre:

           Artistic whistling, simple stories, nuptial and winter calendar orations, lyric songs

Recording notes:

           Recording cuts off before the end of the performance (creation 21)

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_1_119_1.jpg; CEAP1045_1_119_2.jpg; CEAP1045_1_119_3.jpg; CEAP1045_1_119_4.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Сатурн-301 Speed: 4,76 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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