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Collection title:

           The Folkloric Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature: EAP1045




           Expediția folclorică din 1972 din satul Purcari, raionul Suvorov (Folkloric expedition of 1972 from Purcari village, Suvorov district)

Folkloric species:

           drinking songs (cântece de pahar), humorous songs (cântece umoristice), historical stories (povestiri istorice), dance songs (cântece de joc), instrumental melodies (melodii instrumentale), stories (snoave), loneliness songs (cântece de singurătate), love songs (cântece de dragoste), destiny songs (cântece de soartă), alienation songs (cântece de înstrăinare), sorrow songs (cântece de jale), longing songs (cântece de dor), rhythmic shouts (strigături)

Item Description:

           Male and female performers sing solo songs, narrate simple story about nuptial customs, story, males players, members of instrumental orchestra play instrumental/dance folk melodies in Romanian. Song 3 is in Russian. The creations are drinking songs, humorous song, simple stories about customs, instrumental/dance folk melodies, story, loneliness songs, love songs, destiny song, alienation songs, sorrow/longing song. List of pieces: 1. Tot am zis ca nu beau vin (cântec de pahar – drinking song); 2. Sânt poftit și eu la nuntă (cântec umoristic – humorous song); 3. Дорогая бабушка Наташа (Russian song); 4. Rămâi, mamă (cântec de cătănie – soldiers' song); 5. Sus pe dealul Iepureni (cântec de război – war song); 6. Pe-un vârf de munte (cântec de război – war song); 7. Strigături la logodit (rhythmic shouts at nuptial custom logodna); 8. Obiceiul Logodna (nuptial custom); 9. Obiceiuri de nuntă (nuptial customs); 10. Horă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 11. Sârbă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 12. Horă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 13. Sârbă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 14. Sârbă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 15. Horă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 16. Popa și dascălul (snoavă – story); 17. Cântec de pahar (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 18. ???? (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody, time 31.22); 19. ???? (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody, time 31.57); 20. Hostropăț (fluierat artistic); 21. Sârbă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 22. Dimineața când mă scol (cântec de singurătate – loneliness song); 23. De la gară pân-la gară (cântec de dragoste – love song); 24. Bate vântul, bate, bate (cântec de soartă – destiny song); 25. Mamă două fete am (cântec de înstrăinare – alienation song); 26. Nu te blastăm ca să mori (cântec de dragoste – love song); 27. Spune, măiculiță, spune (cântec de soartă – destiny song); 28. Floricea cu dor (cântec jale/dor – sorrow/longing song); 29. Vino, Lina, mamei (cântec de dragoste/soartă – love/destiny song); 30. Horă (fragment, melodie instrumentală populară – fragment, folk instrumental melody); 31. Horă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody); 32. Polcă (melodie instrumentală populară – folk instrumental melody).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Male and female performers sing solo songs, narrate simple story about nuptial customs, story without any instrumental accompaniment. Folk muzic orchestra composed of males players play instrumental folk melodies, some of them sing melody solo or duo at the musical instrument (trumpet, accordion) accompanied by orchestra.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Grati, Policarp Haritonovici Contributor 1 role: Singer, male (44 years old): songs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Contributor 2: Carauș, Gherasim Dmitrievici Contributor 2 role: Singer, male (33 years old): songs 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16
Contributor 3: Folk muzic orchestra from Purcari Contributor 3 role: Players, males: songs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 30, 31, 32
Contributor 4: Rusu, Gheorghe Vasilevici Contributor 4 role: Player, male, member of folk music orchestra from the Purcari village: song 10
Contributor 5 role: Player, male, member of folk music orchestra from the Purcari village: song 10
Contributor 6: Cojocaru, Fedot Alexeevici Contributor 6 role: Singer, male: song 20
Contributor 7: Gurina, Ana Iacovlevna Contributor 7 role: Singer, female (17 years old): songs 22, 26, 29
Contributor 8: Rusu, Ion Moiseevici Contributor 8 role: Singer, male: song 23
Contributor 9: Gurina, Eudochia Martânova Contributor 9 role: Singer, female (40 years old): songs 24, 28
Contributor 10: Roată, Zinaida Filipovna Contributor 10 role: Singer, female (18 years old): song 25
Contributor 11: Crăciun, Clavdia Matveevna Contributor 11 role: Singer, female (18 years old): songs 27, 29

Date of original recording:



           57 min. 05 sec.


          Junghietu, Efim


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova; nowadays The Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Crocmaz (Ştefan Vodă; R. Moldova), Purcari (Ştefan Vodă; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):

           Suvorov (Ştefan Vodă)

Recording location:

           Creations 1-9, 16: Crocmaz village, Suvorov (Ştefan Vodă) district Creations 10-15, 17-32: Purcari village, Suvorov (Ştefan Vodă) district


           Creations 1-2, 4-32: Romanian; Song 3: Russian

Music category/genre:

           Lyric songs, simple stories about customs, instrumental/dance folk melodies, story

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_1_071_1.jpg; CEAP1045_1_071_2.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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