Expediția folclorică din 1967 din satele Trebujeni, Jora-de-Sus, raionul Orhei (Folkloric expedition of 1967 from Trebujeni and Jora-de-Sus villages, Orhei district)

Benzi de magnetofon | Expediția folclorică din 1967 din satele Trebujeni, Jora-de-Sus, raionul Orhei (Folkloric expedition of 1967 from Trebujeni and Jora-de-Sus villages, Orhei district)

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Collection title:

           The Folkloric Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature: EAP1045




           Expediția folclorică din 1967 din satele Trebujeni, Jora-de-Sus, raionul Orhei (Folkloric expedition of 1967 from Trebujeni and Jora-de-Sus villages, Orhei district)

Folkloric species:

           destiny songs (cântece de soartă), sorrow songs (cântece de jale), rhythmic shouts (strigături), soldiers' songs (cântece de cătănie), love songs (cântece de dragoste), drinking songs (cântece de pahar), war songs (cântece de război)

Item Description:

           Male and female singers sing solo songs or rhythmic shouts in Romanian. For songs 1, 2 and rhythmic shouts (creation 3) is used an accordion accompaniment. The creations are destiny songs (cântece de soartă), sorrow songs (cântece de jale), rhythmic shouts (strigături), soldiers' songs (cântece de cătănie), love songs (cântece de dragoste), drinking song (cântec de pahar), destiny/war songs (cântece de soartă/război). List of pieces: 1. Frunză verde-ngălbenită (sorrow song - cântec de jale); 2. Maică, măiculița mea (destiny song); 3. rhythmic shouts (strigături in ritmul melodiei la acordeon - rhythmic shouts are singing in a rhytm of accordion); 4. Când plecam la recrutare (soldiers' song - cântec de cătănie); 5. Hai, maică, și mă-i petrece (soldiers' song - cântec de cătănie, unfinished song); 6. Foaie verde ș-o mătasă (love songs - cântece de dragoste); 7. Arde focul în paie ude (love song - cântec de dragoste; 8. Mi-am pus in în furculiță (drinking song - cântec de pahar); 9. Plânge mama, plânge tata (destiny/war song - cântec de soartă/război); 10. Am trăit o viață cu una pe brațe (love song, unfinished song).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Male and female singers sing solo songs or rhythmic shouts (in accordion accompaniment) in Romanian.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Bivol, Vera Iosifovna Contributor 1 role: Singer, female (19 years old): song 1
Contributor 2: Cangea, Elena Iacovlevna Contributor 2 role: Singer, female (16 years old): song 2
Contributor 3: Sârbu, Constantin Grigore Contributor 3 role: Performer (rhythmic shouts), male (29 years old): creation 3
Contributor 4: Balan, Ștefan Vladimirovici Contributor 4 role: Player (accordion), male (20 years old): creation 3
Contributor 5 role: Singer, female (was born in 1949): song 4, 5
Contributor 6: Gusin, Ștefan a lui Iacob Contributor 6 role: Singer, male (79 years old): song 6
Contributor 7: Savina, Agafia Contributor 7 role: Singer, female (was born in 1919): songs 7, 8, 9
Contributor 8: Andrei, Daniel Maximovici Contributor 8 role: Singer, male: song 10

Date of original recording:



           22 min. 35 sec.


          Junghietu, Efim


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova; nowadays The Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Trebujeni (Orhei; R. Moldova), Jora de Sus (Orhei; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Songs 1-6: Trebujeni village, Orhei district; songs 6-10: Jora-de-Sus villages, Orhei district)



Music category/genre:

           Lyric songs and rhythmic shouts

Recording notes:

           Recording cuts off before the end of the performance (song 5 and song 10)

Accompanying images:

           CEAP1045_1_021_1.jpg; CEAP1045_1_021_2.jpg


           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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