Expediția dialectologică din satul Dolha (Dovhe), raionul Irșava; Hlîbokîi Potik (Strâmtura), raionul Teacev (Teceu), regiunea Transcarpatia (Dialectological expedition from Dolha (Dovhe) village, Irșava district; Hlîbokîi Potik (Strâmtura) village, Tyachiv (Teceu) district, Transcarpathian region)

Benzi de magnetofon | Expediția dialectologică din satul Dolha (Dovhe), raionul Irșava; Hlîbokîi Potik (Strâmtura), raionul Teacev (Teceu), regiunea Transcarpatia (Dialectological expedition from Dolha (Dovhe) village, Irșava district; Hlîbokîi Potik (Strâmtura) village, Tyachiv (Teceu) district, Transcarpathian region)

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Collection title:

           Endangered Archives Programme: EAP1248 The Dialectological Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature


           Dolha, Hlîbokîi Potik/1


           Expediția dialectologică din satul Dolha (Dovhe), raionul Irșava; Hlîbokîi Potik (Strâmtura), raionul Teacev (Teceu), regiunea Transcarpatia (Dialectological expedition from Dolha (Dovhe) village, Irșava district; Hlîbokîi Potik (Strâmtura) village, Tyachiv (Teceu) district, Transcarpathian region)

Folkloric species:

           nuptial customs (obiceiuri de nuntă), traditional crafts (meşteşuguri populare), traditional dishes (bucate tradiţionale), traditional occupations (ocupaţii tradiţionale), biographical stories (povestiri biografice), children's folklore (folclorul copiilor), funerary customs (obiceiuri funerare), dirges (bocete), rhythmic shouts (strigături), love songs (cântece de dragoste)

Item Description:

           Female and male performers recount personal memories and information regarding personal life, children՚s games, nuptial /wedding ritual and customs, preparation of traditional dishes, traditional crafts, funerary customs, traditional occupation of the population, sing songs, lamentations, recite nuptial shouts, lyrics of songs, lamentations, in the Romanian language. The creations are simple stories of personal life, children՚s games, ethnographic description of nuptial ritual and customs, preparation of traditional dishes, traditional crafts, traditional occupation of the population, love song, funerary customs, lamentations. List of pieces: 1. Despre viața personală (povestire simplă – simple story about personal life); 2. Despre jocurile de copii (povestire simplă – simple story about children՚s games); 3. Cântec de dragoste (love song); 4. Nunta (Nuptial ritual/Wedding) (descrierea etnografică a ritualului nupțial – ethnographic description of nuptial ritual and customs); 5. Zori de ziuă să revarsă (strigături nupțiale – nuptial shouts); 6. Cum se face borșul? (How to make borsch?) (descrierea etnografică a preparării bucatelor tradiționale – ethnographic description of the preparation of traditional dishes); 7. Ce mâncăruri mai faceți? (povestire simplă – simple story about traditional dishes); 8. Ce fac de dimineață până seară? (What I do from morning till evening?) (povestire simplă – simple story about the daily activities of one's personal life); 9. Cum se face o casă? (How to make a house?) (descrierea etnografică a meșteșugului popular - ethnographic description of traditional craft); 10. Cum se țese pocruț? (How to weave?) (descrierea etnografică a meșteșugului popular - ethnographic description of traditional craft); 11. Cum se face pânza? (How is the cloth made?) (descrierea etnografică a meșteșugului popular - ethnographic description of traditional craft); 12. Cum se face făina la moară? (How to make flour at the mill?) (descrierea etnografică a ocupației tradiționale a populației – ethnographic description of traditional occupation of the population); 13. Obiceiuri funerare (funerary customs); 14. Versuri funerare, bocete versificate (lamentations); 15. Obiceiuri funerare (funerary customs); 16. Versuri funerare, bocete versificate (lamentations); 17. Dulca me, mămuca me (bocet – lamentation).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Female and male performers recount personal memories and information regarding personal life, children՚s games, nuptial /wedding ritual and customs, preparation of traditional dishes, traditional crafts, funerary customs, traditional occupation of the population, sing songs, lamentations, recite nuptial shouts, lyrics of songs, lamentations, without any instrumental accompaniment.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Female Contributor 1 role: Performer, female: creations 1, 2
Contributor 2: Male Contributor 2 role: Performer, male: creation 3
Contributor 3: Popriș, Ileana a lui Nicoară Contributor 3 role: Performer, female: creation 4
Contributor 4: Female Contributor 4 role: Performer, female: creations 5-17

Date of original recording:

           1968 (creations 1-3); 1968.09.17 (creations 4-17)


           20 min. 33 sec.




           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; nowadays Ukraine

Recording location (Localitate):

           Dolha/Dovga (Iloşva/Irşava; r. Transcarpatia; Ucraina), Strâmtura/Hlîbokîi-Potok (Teceu; r. Transcarpatia; Ucraina)

Recording district (Raion):

           Iloşva, Teceu

Recording location:

           Creations 1-3: Dolha (Dovhe) village, Irșava district, Transcarpathian region Creations 4-17: Hlîbokîi Potik (Strâmtura) village, Tyachiv (Teceu) district, Transcarpathian region



Music category/genre:

           Simple stories of personal life, children՚s games, ethnographic description of nuptial ritual and customs, preparation of traditional dishes, traditional crafts, traditional occupation of the population, love song, funerary customs, lamentations

Recording notes:

           Creation 17 is unfinished. Recording cuts off before the end of the performance.

Accompanying images:



           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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