Expediția dialectologică din satul Hantiadi/Gantiadi (sau Tsandryphsh, abkhazian: Цандрыҧшь; russian: Цандрыпш), raionul Gagra, Republica Abkhazia, regiune autonomă în Georgia (Dialectological expedition from Hantiadi/Gantiadi village, Gagra district, Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, autonomous region in Georgia)

Benzi de magnetofon | Expediția dialectologică din satul Hantiadi/Gantiadi (sau Tsandryphsh, abkhazian: Цандрыҧшь; russian: Цандрыпш), raionul Gagra, Republica Abkhazia, regiune autonomă în Georgia (Dialectological expedition from Hantiadi/Gantiadi village, Gagra district, Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, autonomous region in Georgia)

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Collection title:

           Endangered Archives Programme: EAP1248 The Dialectological Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature




           Expediția dialectologică din satul Hantiadi/Gantiadi (sau Tsandryphsh, abkhazian: Цандрыҧшь; russian: Цандрыпш), raionul Gagra, Republica Abkhazia, regiune autonomă în Georgia (Dialectological expedition from Hantiadi/Gantiadi village, Gagra district, Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, autonomous region in Georgia)

Folkloric species:

           nuptial customs (obiceiuri de nuntă), traditional crafts (meşteşuguri populare), historical traditions (tradiţii istorice), New Year wishes (urături şi hăituri), funerary customs (obiceiuri funerare), birth customs (obiceiuri la naştere)

Item Description:

           Male performer narrates simple story about history of the village, recounts personal memories and information about nuptial ritual and customs, burial ritual and customs, birth ritual and customs, traditional craft, recites New Year wish, in the Romanian language. The creation is simple story about history of the village, ethnographic description of nuptial ritual and customs, burial ritual and customs, birth ritual and customs, New Year wish, ethnographic description of traditional craft. List of pieces: 1. Din istoria satului (povestire simplă – simple story); 2. Nunta (Nuptial ritual/Wedding) (descrierea etnografică a ritualului nupțial – ethnographic description of nuptial ritual and customs); 3. Obiceiuri funerare (descrierea etnografică a ritualului de înmormântare – ethnographic description of the burial ritual and customs); 4. Obiceiul „Cumătria” (Christening custom) (descrierea etnografică a ritualului de naștere – ethnographic description of birth ritual); 5. Hăitură (orație de An Nou – New Year wish); 6. Cum se face o casă? (How to make a house?) (descrierea etnografică a meșteșugului popular - ethnographic description of traditional craft).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Male performer narrates simple story about history of the village, recounts personal memories and information about nuptial ritual and customs, burial ritual and customs, birth ritual and customs, traditional craft, recites New Year wish, without any instrumental accompaniment.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Furnică, Ion al lui Gheorghe Contributor 1 role: Performer, male (65 years old): creations 1-6

Date of original recording:



           46 min. 43 sec.


          Melnic, Vasile F.


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia within The Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia, nowadays Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, autonomous region in Georgia

Recording location (Localitate):

           Gantiadi (Gagra; Abhazia)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Hantiadi/Gantiadi village, Gagra district, Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, autonomous region in Georgia



Music category/genre:

           Simple story about history of the village, ethnographic description of nuptial ritual and customs, burial ritual and customs, birth ritual and customs, New Year wish, ethnographic description of traditional craft

Accompanying images:



           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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