Expediția dialectologică din satul Caracui, raionul Cotovschii, azi Hâncești (Dialectological expedition from Caracui village, Cotovschii, today Hâncești district)

Benzi de magnetofon | Expediția dialectologică din satul Caracui, raionul Cotovschii, azi Hâncești (Dialectological expedition from Caracui village, Cotovschii, today Hâncești district)

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Collection title:

           Endangered Archives Programme: EAP1248 The Dialectological Collection of the Institute of Language and Literature




           Expediția dialectologică din satul Caracui, raionul Cotovschii, azi Hâncești (Dialectological expedition from Caracui village, Cotovschii, today Hâncești district)

Folkloric species:

           local toponymy (toponimie locală), traditional occupations (ocupaţii tradiţionale), traditional dishes (bucate tradiţionale), biographical stories (povestiri biografice), traditional drinks (băuturi tradiţionale)

Item Description:

           Male performer recounts personal memories and information regarding preparation of traditional dishes, simple stories about events from personal life, traditional farming occupations of the population, traditional beverage preparation, local toponymy, in the Romanian language. The creations are ethnographic descriptions of preparation of traditional dishes, simple stories about events from personal life, traditional farming occupations of the population, traditional beverage preparation, local toponymy. List of pieces: 1. Cum se face brânza de oaie? (How to make sheep cheese?) (descrierea etnografică a preparării bucatelor tradiționale – ethnographic description of the preparation of traditional dishes, continuation of previous tape recording); 2. Cum se face urda? (How to make sheep curd?) (descrierea etnografică a preparării bucatelor tradiționale – ethnographic description of the preparation of traditional dishes); 3. Ce e aceea jintiță? (What is that jintiță /shepherd's food prepared from boiled whey and sheep curd?) (descrierea etnografică a preparării bucatelor tradiționale – ethnographic description of the preparation of traditional dishes); 4. Cum ne-a prins ploaia? (How did the rain catch us?) (povestire simplă – simple story about an event from personal life); 5. Cum m-am lecuit? (How did I heal?) (povestire simplă – simple story about an event from personal life); 6. Cum se lucrează via? (How to work the vines?) (descrierea etnografică a ocupației tradiționale agricole a populației – ethnographic description of traditional farming occupation of the population); 7. Cum se face vinul? (How is wine made?) (descrierea etnografică a preparării băuturii tradiționale - ethnographic description of the traditional beverage preparation); 8. Cum se numesc locurile din sat, hârtoapele? (toponimie locală – local toponymy); 9. Ce fac în brigada de construcții în calitate de căruțaș? (What do I do in the construction brigade as a teamster?) (povestire simplă – simple story about personal life); 10. Cum se lucra grâul? (How is the grain worked?) (descrierea etnografică a ocupației tradiționale agricole a populației – ethnographic description of traditional farming occupation of the population, is unfinished, the recording is resumed on the next tape).

Performance/Interviewee Note:

           Male performer recounts personal memories and information regarding preparation of traditional dishes, simple stories about events from personal life, traditional farming occupations of the population, traditional beverage preparation, local toponymy, without any instrumental accompaniment.



Performer Permission:

           Verbally expressed permission. No written proof.

Contributor 1: Vozneac, Gavril Vasilevici Contributor 1 role: Performer, male (60 years old): creations 1-10

Date of original recording:



           29 min. 24 sec.


          Stati, Vasile


           The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova; nowadays The Republic of Moldova

Recording location (Localitate):

           Caracui (Hânceşti; R. Moldova)

Recording district (Raion):


Recording location:

           Caracui village, Cotovschii, today Hâncești district



Music category/genre:

           Ethnographic description of preparation of traditional dishes, simple stories about events from personal life, traditional farming occupations of the population, traditional beverage preparation, local toponymy

Recording notes:

           Creation 1 is a continuation of previous tape recording. Creation 10 is unfinished. Recording cuts off before the end of the performance. the recording is resumed on the next tape.

Accompanying images:



           Bit depth: 24 Sample rate: 96 Channels: 2 Encoding: WAV Replay device: Akai GX-620 Speed: 19 cm/sec Noise reduction: Stylus: Interconnection: Unbalanced Analogue Capture device: Sound Devices, USBPre 2 Capture software:


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